Think twice before you give your children any type of cough or cold medicine. A new study published in the medical journal of Pediatrics, concludes that treating a child’s’ cough with water is as effective as any cough syrup.

The study consisted of 100 children with upper respiratory tract infections. The children had been coughing for an average of 3 days.

“The children were given one of three treatments 30 minutes before bedtime: a cough syrup containing dextromethorphan, a cough syrup containing diphenhydramine or a placebo syrup.

Children in all three groups showed a dramatic reduction in cough frequency, but those taking the placebo — essentially flavored water — had the best results. On four other measures, the three treatments had virtually identical outcomes.”

The two active ingredients in most over the counter cough syrups are dextromethorphan which is used to clear phlegm, and diphenhydramine, an antihistamine that reduces swelling in the respiratory tract. The study suggested that in children, neither drug made much difference.  Dr. Ian Paul, a professor of pediatrics at Penn State Children’s Hospital and the study’s lead author said, “Cough symptoms went away within a few days, regardless of whether the child was taking medicine or a placebo.”  He continued, “Nighttime coughing affects the child and the parents. Nobody gets any sleep. Even so, parents really need to think twice before giving these medications that have doubtful positive effects on their children’s symptoms and may have a potential for side effects.”

Try this for natural for a natural cough remedy, a simple mixture of water and honey is a great, natural way to treat a child’s nighttime cough.

Lemon is very important in home remedies for colds. The vitamin C from a fresh squeezed lemon increases the body’s resistance to colds, decreases toxicity and reduces the severity and duration of the illness. Boil water, add the juice of a fresh squeezed lemon and honey to taste. For added immunity add 30 drops of elder berry extract to the tea. Drink 3-4 cups per day.

Try this for natural for a natural cough remedy, a simple mixture of water and honey is a great, natural way to treat a child’s nighttime cough.

A few more natural remedies are listed below.

Take Vitamin C to maximize immunity. Any viral illness will increase your need for Vitamin C. You want to immediately saturate your body with Vitamin C as soon as you feel that you are getting sick. Ideally you should take 500-1000 milligrams of Vitamin C every hour of the day to maintain saturation levels. If that is inconvenient you should take 3 equal doses of 2000 milligrams throughout the day. Too much Vitamin C can cause loose stools and gas. If you develop intestinal upset, decrease the dose by 1,000 milligrams per day until the symptoms go away. Once you start feeling better, continue to take 1000 milligrams of Vitamin C a day to keep colds at bay.

Vitamin E works with Vitamin C to help protect your cells from oxidative damamge. Any time you are fighting an infection free radicals and toxins are released in your body which makes it difficult to fight off the infection. Take 400-800 IU of Vitamin E daily while fighting your cold.

Zinc lozenges help decrease the intensity and duration of a cold. Be careful to take Zinc with a meal as it can cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach.

Goldenseal helps strengthen the immune system and also seems to fight localized viruses. This makes it particularly good for a sore throat. Take 175-350 milligrams 3 or 4 times per day for 10 days starting at the first sign of your cold.

Here at Elixia Wellness Group, we offer natural immunity boosting supplements and can create a taylor-made protocol for you or your child’s symptoms. We also perform techniques to treat chronic sinus congestion. To schedule an appointment call (503) 232-5653.